新闻 2023年4月17日


  • Mitie的最新电子书探讨了寻求实现净零排放的组织面临的最常见挑战,并提供了如何有效应对这些挑战的解决方案
  • With the race to net zero well underway, avoiding these common pitfalls is key to implementing successful, speedy and cost-effective decarbonisation plans
  • Mitie’s own net zero roadmap will see the business decarbonise all 70+ sites, and with just eight to go, it will have an entirely net zero estate by its 2025 deadline

Mitie’s latest e-book, 今天公布的, tackles the five biggest challenges to reaching net zero, and shares insights on how organisations can overcome each one.

As the UK’s leading facilities management company, Mitie’s 能源 management, 工程, and sustainability expertise has saved over 353,000 tonnes of CO2 for British organisations in the last decade. 在那个时候, five common obstacles have emerged, 是什么阻碍了大规模脱碳计划的成功实施.

成本仍然是一个关键障碍,也是许多组织难以让决策者参与脱碳倡议的原因之一. 对其他人来说,整个组织的利益冲突是一个真正的挑战.

Mitie’s insights paper, titled ‘如何在脱碳方面取得成功:帮助您的组织克服净零排放的五大挑战’ considers the following obstacles:

Challenge one: affordability

In the current economic climate, organisations are understandably cautious with their finances, but investing in decarbonisation solutions needn’t be a financial burden. As 科技nology continues to mature, 一些解决方案, 例如太阳能光伏, have seen their costs decline and paybacks improve significantly, as companies tackle increasing 能源 costs. 除了, 与脱碳投资相关的运营成本可能会大幅节省,尤其是那些将对组织的能源账单产生直接影响的投资.

对于希望投资于脱碳解决方案的组织来说,有许多融资和资金选择, which make these investments increasingly affordable. 事实上, 这本电子书建议,任何组织的第一步都是优化现有资源. Starting off with smaller modifications, such as upgrading to 能源 efficient lighting, adjusting heating controls and turning off services in less-used areas, 能对一个组织的整体排放产生巨大的影响,并产生巨大的节约.

Challenge two: credibility

对于一些组织来说,最大的挑战仍然是为他们的关键决策者构建一个令人信服的商业案例, who may not always fully appreciate the value of decarbonisation investments. 知道如何提出这一论点是说服决策者投资于净零排放的关键. 最好的方法是同时展示采取行动的积极方面和不采取行动的潜在后果. 将减碳计划推迟可能会导致立法违规, reputational damage, and huge capital investments, so it is worth taking the time, effort and investment now. 除了, there are plenty of positive aspects to support a business case, such as improved 能源 security and resilience, which takes on additional significance given the current 能源 climate, as well as the opportunity to develop new revenue streams. 最终, the sooner decision makers are on board the better, 随着向净零碳转型的好处越来越明显,对某些脱碳技术的需求已经超过了供应.

Challenge three: unity

最大的挑战之一是处理组织内不同利益相关者的竞争议程. Although it can be difficult, 组织中的每个人都需要了解脱碳的重要性,并朝着同一个方向努力. While everyone has their own KPIs and areas of focus, decarbonisation is a unifying mission that all stakeholders can buy into. 诀窍在于找到共同点,并向每个人展示这些投资如何有助于实现他们的个人目标, as well as the greater good.

Challenge four: longevity

In order to maximise the value from investing in decarbonisation efforts, organisations need to plan a long-term approach. 对于任何组织来说,从详细了解其投资组合开始是至关重要的, 这就是为什么全面了解它的遗产是最好的起点. By doing things in small steps, 然后,组织可以创建一个路线图,详细说明在接下来的几个月和几年里采取的适当措施, and prioritise these based on factors like cost, 复杂性, 和结果. 整体, 重要的是,组织不要把所有的投资都投入到全新的解决方案上,而是从更有效地管理他们已经得到的东西开始.

Challenge five: clarity

In a crowded marketplace, 选择最合适的合作伙伴来实现组织的脱碳计划可能是压倒性的,也是不必要的复杂. 经常, businesses hire several consultants, 承包商, and maintenance teams from different companies, 如果各方之间的沟通不清晰,则会产生额外的复杂性. 另一种解决方案是确定一个可以提供综合澳博官方网站的合作伙伴, end-to-end service, from assessing the 能源 use of an estate and identifying inefficiencies, to choosing and installing the right solutions. When choosing a provider, it is also important to look at their track record and ask questions like: how long have they been in the 行业; do they have all the right accreditations; have they worked in environments like yours before; and what have they helped others to achieve?

Mike Sewell, Plan Zero Director, Mitie, said:

“There’s never been a more intense focus on decarbonisation, 然而,我们经常看到我们的客户在实施他们的净零计划时面临同样的障碍. Based on the experience we’ve gained over the past decade, this e-book captures the most important elements to consider, and helpful guidance to organisations on their decarbonisation journey. With the race to net zero well underway, time is certainly of the essence, making it crucial for organisations to overcome these common barriers.”

完整的 e-book is free to download 这里,包括更多的技巧,成功的故事和来自Mitie专家的指导.


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