News 10 May 2023

Mitie expands support for UK defence with new Landmarc contract win

  • Landmarc Support Services, a joint venture between Mitie and Amentum, 获得了一份为期7年、价值5.6亿英镑的合同,管理英国数千名武装部队人员训练的土地
  • As well as core services, such as facilities management, rural estate management and operational services, 预计8亿英镑的额外工程也将作为合同的一部分交付
  • Mitie has several contracts to support the UK defence sector, 包括最近在直布罗陀现有支持的基础上,为塞浦路斯国防部提供设施管理澳博官方网站的合同, 福克兰群岛和阿森松岛——以及为苏格兰和北爱尔兰各地的站点提供维护澳博官方网站的合同

Landmarc Support Services (Landmarc), Mitie’s joint venture with Amentum, 获得了一份价值5.6亿英镑的合同,管理英国数千名武装部队人员训练的土地.

Under the contract, Landmarc will provide facilities management services, 农村地产管理和英国国防训练地产的业务澳博官方网站, as well as delivering additional works with an estimated value of up to £800m, subject to annual reviews. 最初的合同为期7年,并可选择每年延长3年, based on contractor performance. It is due to come into service in December 2023.

新合同将为英国和来访的武装部队提供一个安全可靠的居住场所, work and train, while maintaining and improving the land, buildings and facilities that they use. The contract will also deliver vital services to training troops, 包括每年为他们提供大约400万顿饭和大约100万个床位. It will introduce innovative, more responsive, 为使用训练场的人员提供灵活的澳博官方网站,并将更灵活地满足武装部队不断变化的需求.

这个训练场占地约占英国土地的1%,在为英国和来访部队准备全球行动方面发挥着至关重要的作用, 包括支持在英国培训数千名乌克兰志愿者.

The training estate includes training camps, range complexes and field firing areas, as well as Sites of Special Scientific Interest and Special Conservation Areas. 大部分训练场都向公众开放,这份新合同将有助于确保这些重要的空间得到良好的维护,并确保公众和军队使用的安全.

Mitie has a strong background in supporting the Armed Forces, with several contracts across the UK and overseas. 这包括最近授予的一份价值2.56亿英镑的合同,该合同将为国防部在塞浦路斯的地产提供维护和设施管理澳博官方网站, 作为国防基础设施组织(DIO)海外主要合同的一部分. Mitie还获得了一份为期7年、价值1.6亿英镑的合同,其中潜在的4.86亿英镑将用于为苏格兰和北爱尔兰的站点提供维护澳博官方网站.

Brian Talbot, Managing Director, Central Government & Defence, Mitie, said:

“作为一家英国企业,我们很自豪能够支持英国武装部队,无论是在国内还是在海外. 通过提供关键的支助澳博官方网站,使部队人员能够获得安全和可持续的生活空间, work and train, 我们热衷于在支持我们军队的重要工作中发挥我们的作用.”

DIO海外主管Jonathan Bartholomew准将评论了Landmarc的新合同授予 & Training Region, said:


“This new contract for the training estate will offer safe, secure, and well-maintained training facilities, meals, and beds, for our Service personnel as they prepare for operations worldwide.

“新合同提供了一个机会来改变我们管理训练区域的方式. 我们与Landmarc有着良好的工作关系,我期待着继续与他们合作,以改善训练场地,使其满足我们军队独特和不断变化的需求,并为公众提供一个安全的参观场所.”

Mark Neill, Managing Director at Landmarc, said:


“Every single one of our 1,300人的强大团队在提供关键澳博官方网站方面发挥了作用,使我们的武装部队能够有效地进行训练, deploy on operations and return home safely. 我们期待着继续与DIO建立强有力的合作伙伴关系,并与更广泛的行业合作伙伴合作,改变使用国防地产生活的武装部队人员的生活体验, work and train.”

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